UPDATE - "Page Experience Update" just got pushed to June 2021 instead of May.
One aspect to keep in mind is to remember that users perceive loads times differently

Loading a site on your computer, you expect it to load fast because you are on a fast Wi-Fi network. People have more patience and will be more likely to allow for more loading time on mobile platforms due to differences in cell signal and coverage depending on location.
Site performance plays a significant role in your success. High-performance sites will retain customers and have a direct impact on your bottom line. Pinterest reduced its wait times by 40% and increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15%. The BBC found that they lost an additional 10% of their users for every second it took to load.
Retailer Furniture Village audited their site speed and developed a plan to address the problems they found, leading to a 20% reduction in page load time and a 10% increase in conversion rate.
Google believes user engagement with websites will increase as page speed increases and will be incorporating these new search signals into search engine rankings soon.
“Today, we’re building on this work and providing an early look at an upcoming Search ranking change that incorporates these page experience metrics. We will introduce a new signal that combines Core Web Vitals with our existing signals for page experience to provide a holistic picture of the quality of a user’s experience on a web page.”
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog
There are many tools available for measuring the performance of your website. Here is a list and links explaining how to use some of the most commonly used Chrome DevTools to help with explanation:
- Throttle your CPU to simulate a less-powerful device.
- Throttle the network to simulate slower connections.
- View main thread activity to view every event that occurred on the main thread while you were recording.
- View main thread activities in a table to sort activities based on which ones took up the most time.
- Analyze frames per second (FPS) to measure whether your animations run smoothly.
- Monitor CPU usage, JS heap size, DOM nodes, layouts per second, and more in real-time with the Performance Monitor.
- Visualize network requests that occurred while you were recording with the Network section.
- Capture screenshots while recording to playback exactly how the page looked while the page loaded, or an animation fired, and so on.
- View interactions to quickly identify what happened on a page after a user interacted with it.
- Find scroll performance issues in real-time by highlighting the page whenever a potentially problematic listener fires.
- View paint events in real-time to identify costly paint events that may be harming the performance of your animations.
Website speed is about retaining users and keeping them coming back. Faster sites have better conversion rates; slower sites hurt revenue.
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