Google Adwords & Bing Ads Case Study
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Owner/CEO Mike Roozen:
“After managing a massive Google Adwords account for many years, I found the analytics getting more complex over time and turned to TDM in 2017 (remains a client to this day). They have since effectively managed AdWords and Bing ads for me, staying within budget and delivering incredible results.”
“With TDM adding all our products to Google Shopping and Bing, all within budget, we experienced a 34% sales growth YOY. We are poised to have an even bigger year this year. Conversion rates have doubled, and our market share has improved tremendously.”
Summary: Rubber Stamp Champ currently provides rubber stamps and related products to over half a million customers. From their facility in San Marcos, California they make and ship thousands of custom and non-custom marking products to individuals, businesses, government, and military customers throughout the United States as well as globally.
Adwords Performance Data

AdWords Data
Spend: $156,430.86
Revenue: $228,606.11
Conversion Rate: 6.53%
Next Years AdWords Data
Spend: $294,226.32
Revenue: $815,182.18
Conversion Rate: 10.39%

We continue to build out new campaigns and optimize them for success, they continue to see great results compared to when they were previously managing the account.
We continue to improve conversion rates due to:
- By Improving Site Performance
- Continued Creative Marketing Ideas
- On-going Keyword Research
- New Ads Ideas & Improved Quality Scores
- Remarketing to Audiences
- Continual & Consistent Data Optimization
- New Shopping Campaigns
Bing Performance Data

Once we established success with google ads, we copied everything over to Bing ads.
- We made some adjustments to start, but we knew this would be a good fit based on the demographic/target market data we had collected to this point.
- We saw very high conversion rates right away, and results continued to improve throughout the year because of continuous optimization done on our end.
- With a conversion rate over 14% for the year, the client was extremely happy with the results.
Fill out the short form below or phone: 919.228.2475 to speak with an account representative today!